

RWD Examples


Welcome to Cark Studios! My purpose in creating this website is to showcase an online portfolio.

I’m a 34-year-old aspiring developer who has been interested in programming from an early age. My first experience with programming was playing MUD(Multi-User Dungeon) games on the computer. These games often had no graphics and were limited to only text and they were often made using C++. I was very intrigued with how things worked behind the scenes.

I’ve always loved to tinker with electronics and figure out how things work, from hardware to software. The interesting part about programming to me is that the possibilities of what you can develop are nearly endless.

I enjoy the challenge that comes with computer programming and I hope to complete my Associate degree by 2025. I’m currently working on scripting projects for games in my personal time but I’m also interested in contributing to team projects in the future.

Past Projects